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The following table contains information about the teams and venues for the 2016/2017 season.
Num | Details | Num | Details |
1 |
Butcher's Arms (Golden Ball) (01865) 742470 |
7 |
Mason's Arms (01865) 764579 |
2 |
Catherine Wheel (01865) 580226 |
8 |
Prince of Wales (01865) 777649 |
3 |
Cowley Workers Club (01865) 430446 |
9 |
Red Lion (Marston) (01865) 247761 |
4 |
Headington Conservative Club (01865) 439400 |
10 |
Viking Sports Club (01865) 766335 |
5 |
Littlemore Royal British Legion (01865) 778869 |
11 |
White House (01865) 790106 |
6 |
Marsh Harrier (01865) 718225 |